September is here. We’ve got the Birds in a pennant race chasing the Pirates and trying to hold off the Reds, and football is back. That means every Sunday for the next 20 weeks we’ve got meaningful football. Then a week break before the Super Bowl. Oh and Harbaugh’s yelling at stuff.
While, here at View From The Pine, we’re pumped to watch the Rams continue their rise from mediocrity. (See the Spagnuolo Era) We’re also just glad to have the NFL back. Following are some random thoughts (and gifs) while watching the game.
Lightning in the area tried to delay our gratification, but not even Mother Nature could keep “Welkah outtah the endzone, this Danny-fellah better be scrappy enough for Tawmmy”.
Anyone else get the feeling Manning is just going to keep giving the ball to Welker just to piss off Tom Brady? Welker might need to remember how to catch with his hands instead of his chest, and in one case last night, the ground.
Don’t worry though, I’m sure there will be plenty of coverage on ESPN detailing “No Challenge Gate” between picking up coverage of Tim Tebow’s first Christian League flag football practice. He’s two on the QB depth chart behind Jimmy from down the street. His dad’s been teaching him to throw a spiral on the weekends, so he’s got the starting nod.

The Broncos are looking like they’ll be tough to beat. They don’t even have Von Miller back and the defense has looked tough since the start of the 3rd quarter. It took them about 6 weeks to get last year and they finished 13-3. Looks like it might have only took them 2 quarters to get going this season, and they’ve got one of the weaker schedules for a first place team in the league. My fantasy wins league first pick is looking pretty solid.
It helps when the Ravens are doing things like this to their number 2 wide receiver.

The Broncos had their share of derp in the game when Flacco was intercepted. With nothing but air between him and the endzone Danny Trevathan decided to drop the ball at the 1 yard line. Maybe he’s allergic to scoring.

At least Rahim Moore was able to get a little redemption on Dallas Clark.

And I don’t think Michaels and Collinsworth can try to act like the outcome of this game is in question anymore with Manning’s 7th touchdown pass of the game. I’m just glad I don’t have to start my fantasy season off against the guy that has Peyton and Welker in our league.
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